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OMD (Orchestral Manoeuvres in the Dark): The Best of OMD

 A l b u m   D e t a i l s

Label: Virgin Records
Released: 1988
Category: Pop/Rock
Producer(s): See Artists ...
Rating: ********.. (8/10)
Media type: CD
Web address: www.omd.uk.com
Appears with:
Purchase date: 2004.03.04
Price in €: 4,99

 S o n g s ,   T r a c k s

[1] Electricity (P.Humphreys/A.McCluskey) - 3:29
[2] Messages (P.Humphreys/A.McCluskey) - 4:44
[3] Enola Gay (P.Humphreys/A.McCluskey) - 3:31
[4] Souvenir (P.Humphreys/A.McCluskey) - 3:34
[5] Joan of Arc (P.Humphreys/A.McCluskey) - 3:47
[6] Maid of Orleans (P.Humphreys/A.McCluskey) - 4:09
[7] Tesla Girls (P.Humphreys/A.McCluskey) - 3:33
[8] Locomotion (Humphreys/McCluskey/Troeller) - 3:53
[9] Talking Loud and Clear (P.Humphreys/A.McCluskey) - 3:53
[10] So in Love (Hague/P.Humphreys/A.McCluskey) - 3:28
[11] Secret (P.Humphreys/A.McCluskey) - 3:56
[12] If You Leave (Cooper/P.Humphreys/A.McCluskey) - 4:28
[13] (Forever) Live and Die (P.Humphreys/A.McCluskey) - 3:34
[14] Dreaming (P.Humphreys/A.McCluskey) - 3:54
[15] We Love You [12" Version] (P.Humphreys/A.McCluskey) - 6:14
[16] La Femme Accident [12" Version] (P.Humphreys/A.McCluskey) - 6:15

 A r t i s t s ,   P e r s o n n e l

ANDY MCCLUSKEY - Guitar, Bass Guitar, Keyboards, Vocals, Producer
PAUL HUMPHREYS - Piano, Keyboards, Vocals, Producer

TOM LORD-ALGE - Producer
BRIAN TENCH - Producer

 C o m m e n t s ,   N o t e s

1988 LP A&M 5186
1988 CS A&M 75021-5186-4
1990 CD A&M 75021-5186-2

UK reissue of 1988 compilation originally released on A&M, now long out-of-print. 18 tracks including 'Telegraph' & 'Genetic Engineering' as a bonus. Plus 12 inch versions of 'We Love You' & 'La Femme Accident'.

Andy McCluskey and Paul Humphreys make up Orchestral Manoeuvres in the Dark, who were responsible for some of the catchiest and brightest synth pop that the '80s had to offer. O.M.D.'s material was a step above other keyboard pop music of the time, thanks to the combination of intelligently crafted hooks and colorful rhythms that bounced and jittered with pristine charm. Their squeaky-clean brilliancy initiated by both their synthesizers and subdued yet attractive vocal styles gave them a more mature sound over bands like Duran Duran and A Flock of Seagulls, who were attracting a younger audience. The Best of O.M.D. is an excellent compilation of their polished music, starting out with less provocative material like the basic electronic wash of "Electricity" and the bare but ebullient fervor of "Enola Gay." As this set moves along, so does the craftiness of their work, which is evident on tighter sounding songs like "Tesla Girls" and "Locomotion," where the intricacy of their formula begins to take a more resounding shape. O.M.D.'s best work came from 1985's Crush album, which harbored the midnight airiness found in "So in Love" as well as the adolescent innocence that streamed its way through "Secret," which are two of the best tracks on this set. Even though "If You Leave" was the highlight of Pretty in Pink's soundtrack, its adult feel and smooth transition from stanza to chorus makes it their most memorable song. With only four singles reaching the Top 40 in the '80s, all included here, the 18 tracks that make up this compilation prove that O.M.D.'s music was far more consistent and illuminating than the charts represent.

Mike DeGagne - All Music Guide
© 1992 - 2004 AEC One Stop Group, Inc.

This collection of 16 OMD songs includes all their singles, including "If You Leave" (from the Pretty in Pink soundtrack) and "So in Love." OMD's sound is trademarked mostly by Paul Humphrey and Andy McCluskey's glassy-smooth vocals, along with harmonies that occasionally crack for dramatic emphasis but never shatter. The music is classic early '80s synth-pop, with swelling, hopeful strings and low-key tempos sugar-crusted to keep the songs rich but not totally fluffy.

Beth Bessmer - Amazon.com

Bei OMD hat sich in den letzten Jahren nicht viel getan. Auf ihrem "neuen" Album, das die Höhepunkte der letzten neun Jahre enthält, verläßt die Gruppe nur selten seichte Elektronik-Niederungen. Dumpf und eintönig wirkt's auf Dauer, die einzelnen Songs entfalten wenig eigene Charakte- ristik. ** Interpret.: 13-16

© Audio

Als OMD am 28. September 1979 ihre Debütsingle "Electricity" herausbrach- ten, ahnte noch niemand, daß um die beiden Synthi-Spezialisten Andy McCluskey und Paul Humphreys eine der besten Elektropop-Bands der 80er Jahre heranreifen würde. 18 Hits später zieht das Duo aus Liverpool Bi- lanz, und die Songs funkeln wie eh und je: die vornehme "Maid Of Orleans" ebenso wie die stürmischen "Tesla Girls". Am meisten fällt in dieser hochkarätigen Umgebung die letzte Single "Dreaming" ab - doch zum Trost gibt's auf CD vier Stücke mehr, darunter "We Love You" und "La Femme Ac- cident" im vorzüglichen Maxi-Mix. ** Interpret.: 7-10 ** Klang.: 6-8

© Stereoplay

After releasing "Electricity" in 1979, OMD quickly became one of the more influential electro-pop bands to emerge from England. While the premise of a singing synthesizer duo may now be a fairly conventional concept, Andy McClusky and Paul Humphreys had very few role models when they first developed their unusual style. This package pulls together two full decades of OMD's distinctive pop craftsmanship. From the early sounds of "Enola Gay" to radio classics like "Joan of Arc" and "Souvenir", OMD's polished, dramatic readings influenced everyone from Depeche Mode to the Pet Shop Boys. Late-1980s tunes like "If You Leave" and "(Forever) Live and Die" round out this collection. While not displaying all the more offbeat aspects of OMD's music, The Best of Omd certainly delivers the hits.

Mitch Myers - Amazon.co.uk

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